Sunday, January 13, 2008

One week down.

SO. I have completed the first week of the semester. The first week student teaching. If waking up at 6am doesn't kill me first this is going to be amazing. I love the teacher that I am with. She's down to earth and fun, and I am going to learn a lot. The class is challenging, but very sweet. I think it will help to prepare me for being on my own next year. Hopefully... crossing my fingers... I can take Ms. Irwin's job and classroom and everything. :D. Then I would be in Ferry Pass, which I love, right next to Ms. Lovitt and Ms. Case, sharing an office. That is my current hope. :D.
In other news. Went back to dance last week. Ballet and Jazz Tues night and Weds at UWF. I think it will be good for me... I was so excited about Tues and had so much fun. I have been incredibly sore though since I haven't danced in... I dunno.. six months?? Its all part of my goal to get my ass back in shape. I should go to the gym tonight. I might. Only time will tell. I have to go to campus tonight for somehw.. so we shall see.
The pups finally got spayed. FINALLY. Athena was still sick this time, but they went ahead adn took care of that too. SO I have had some lifeless puppies. They're passed out next to me now. I wish that I had did it on a monday so I would have had two days where they weren't destroying my house.
Anyways. Off to lunch with a friend then work so I shall be off of here. :D. Good day to all.

1 comment:

gen said...

Awesome girl! Sounds like you're having fun!

I'm thinking about taking some dance classes, too.....It soudns like fun